Congress MP Adhir Chowdhury has said that “Narendra Modi and Amit Shah are migrants themselves. Their homes are in Gujarat, but they have come to Delhi”. He said this while speaking to news agency ANI on the Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2016. Chowdhury is also the Leader of the Indian National Congress in the 17th Lok Sabha.
The bill aims to provide citizenship to non-Muslim refugees who were forced to migrate to India before December 31, 2014 from Pakistan, Afghanistan or Bangladesh due to religious reasons. The bill was passed on January 8 in the Lok Sabha but was not tabled in Rajya Sabha before the house dissolved on May 2019 as its term ended. Union Home Minister Amit Shah has been advocating strongly for passing the Bill since the Lok Sabha elections. He held meetings on the bill with political parties and civil society organisations of the Northeast. The next meeting is scheduled tomorrow. There have been major resistance to the passing of the bill. Chowdhury added that “India is for everyone, for Hindus as well as the Muslims. But they want to show that they will let only the Hindus stay while driving out the Muslims. Is India anyone’s privately owned land? Everyone has equal rights here.”
The MP also said that Shah should acknowledge the fact that in the rest of the world, the maximum number of migrants are from India but those countries never think of driving them out of there. He added that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) may have the majority to pass the bill, but the consequences wouldn’t be good. In fact, it is due to spreading the scare regarding the Citizenship Bill, that BJP lost the recent by-elections in West Bengal, said Chowdhury.
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