Tamil Nadu chief minister E Palaniswami on Monday announced that the ongoing lockdown would be extended in his state till April 30. The country-wide lockdown which was imposed on March 24 midnight to contain the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), is scheduled to end Tuesday.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the nation at 10 am Tuesday when he will announce his decision on whether to extend the lockdown or not.
States like West Bengal, Odisha, Punjab, Maharashtra, Telangana and Rajasthan have already extended the lockdown in their respective states till April 30.
Some chief ministers however, have said that states extending lockdown on their own will not be much effective in limiting the spread of COVID-19 and urged the PM to extend the lockdown nationally for it to be effective.
The PM had indicated at the meeting that the ongoing lockdown is likely to be extended by two weeks.
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