Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi met chief secretary of Uttar Pradesh and the state’s Director General of police on Friday, ahead of delivering the landmark judgment on Ayodhya temple-mosque dispute.
Chief secretary Rajendra Kumar Tiwari and police chief Om Prakash Singh met the CJI in his chamber at the Supreme Court, it was reported by NDTV. The CJI will retire on November 17 and is expected to give the Ayodhya verdict by November 15. The judgment on Ayodhya temple-mosque has huge political implications all over the country.
Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath held a meeting with senior officials on Thursday on this issue – in order to prepare to handle any possible situations that may arise as a fallout of the judgment. He has asked top officers to take measures in order to maintain peace.
According to reports, among other things, the CM has asked two helicopters to be kept at Lucknow and Ayodhya to handle possible emergencies. Moreover, officers have been sent to sensitive areas not only to take strict measures if required, but also to ensure that people do not react with aggression. Appeals to maintain peace – whatever the verdict of the Supreme Court – are being made by political and religious leaders. All states have also been taking measures in order to prevent clashes and to ensure there is peace.
In December 1992, right-wing activists razed a mosque in Ayodhya, which they believed had been built by Mughal Emperor Babur after demolishing a temple that marked the birthplace of Lord Ram. This led to riots all over the country in which over 3,000 people had died.
The dispute over 2.77 acre in Ayodhya, on which both Hindus and Muslims have laid claims, has been debated, discussed and has a huge influence on the politics of the country. After years of debate and the case being discussed in court, the Supreme Court is finally giving its verdict in November 2019.
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