The Uttar Pradesh police chief has said that the incident at Bulandshahr – involving allegations of cow slaughter leading to mob fury that led to the murder of two persons including a police officer – is a conspiracy.
Uttar Pradesh Director General of Police, OP Singh has said that the incident is not just a law and order issue. “It is a big conspiracy. How did the cattle carcass reach there? Who took it there?” Singh asked.
On Monday, police inspector Subodh Kumar Singh was part of a police contingent that went to remove a road blockade after allegations surfaced that there were cow carcasses in a field.
Singh and others in the police team were attacked by a mob of around 400 people that hurled bricks and stones. The Inspector initially tried to pacify the angry group, but to no avail. A police station was attacked and police vehicles were set on fire.
Later, when Singh was injured on being hit with a rock, he was taken to his vehicle. There are indications that he was then shot at by the mob, possibly after his service revolver was snatched. A 20-year-old man not part of the mob was also killed.
A probe is on and these aspects would be clear only then. It would also be investigated whether there were deliberate attempts to incite communal tension in the area.
Police have already filed two FIRs in connection with the incident. Four persons have been arrested, and a large number of the accused are from the Bajrang Dal and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad.
Chief minister Yogi Adityanath held a meeting on the incident. He is learnt to have plans to visit the family of the deceased. However, during the review meeting, he wanted the investigation to unearth how the cattle carcass reached there and those who slaughtered the cows should be punished.
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