An image of Bollywood actors Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s son Taimur Ali Khan, sporting a T-shirt with a ‘NaMo Again’ imprint, is circulating on social media.
The photograph of Taimur has also been shared on WhatsApp with the same caption – ‘Taimur Ali khan….Not to miss his T Shirt’.
A close look at the image is sufficient to infer that it is a work of photoshop.
The original image was found upon reverse-searching the photograph on Google.
When both the photographs are juxtaposed together, the difference is clearly visible. In the original image, Taimur’s T-shirt does not have a ‘NaMo Again’ imprint.
Earlier, a photograph of Bollywood actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh was also photoshopped in a similar fashion.
[This report was first published by Alt News]
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