A woman from Hindunagar villlage in Unnao of Uttar Pradesh was set on fire on Thursday morning by five men. She had been raped earlier this year by two men from her village and one of the men was the son of village head or pradhan.
In the FIR lodged in March, the woman had said that the men had filmed it while raping her.
She was going to a nearby railway station on Thursday when the men caught her and took her away to a field outside the village. They then poured petrol on her and set her on fire. The woman was critically burnt and admitted to a local government hospital. Later she was shifted to a hospital in Lucknow.
She was able to name the men to police. Police have arrested three of the five and search is on for the rest of the two.
One of the two men who had raped the woman was arrested earlier after the FIR, but was out on bail. Police said that probe was on to gather more facts on the case.
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