Uttar Pradesh minister Ranvendra Pratap Singh on Thursday said that “not even Lord Ram” could guarantee 100 per cent security to people. The Bharatiya Janata Party minister was responding to questions on women’s safety after five men in UP’s Unnao, set fire on a woman who had been raped a few months back and had lodged complaint against the rapists that included the son of the village head.
There is shock and outrage across the nation following the gangrape and murder of a 27-year-old veterinarian near Hyderabad last week. Singh told reporters on Thursday, “When there is a society, to say 100 per cent there will be no crime – this assurance I do not think even Lord Ram could give.” Singh said this in Barabanki, adding that “a 100 per cent surety is not there”. He added that “if there is a crime, then the accused will go to jail and he will be punished.”
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