Fact-Checking Policy
We are committed to publishing accurate news/information/articles on our website. We take many steps to ensure accuracy. Our journalists’ primary responsibility is reporting, writing, and fact-checking stories. Stories are subject to review by one or more editors. We have a multi-level fact-checking structure for stories that require due diligence. The editor who reviews a story prior to publication varies on a range of factors, including complexity, sensitivity, and the pressure of time.
Our journalists never plagiarize deliberately or distort facts or context, including visual information knowingly. If proven otherwise, we change the news item/information as quickly as possible. We do not knowingly and materially mislead our audiences. We do not distort facts or present invented material as facts, that can undermine our audiences’ trust in our content. We acknowledge serious factual errors and correct them quickly, clearly, and appropriately.
We have a dedicated team of editors who go through each article, word for word, in order to ensure the factual accuracy and consistency of the article, and that the conclusion is drawn or point presented at the end of each article is derived from credible, accessible, and verifiable sources, in order to help the readers to fact-check the piece themselves. By the time an article is published, it goes through three independent layers of editing and fact-checking, and the people involved are independent of the domain, thus leaving no room for bias or inaccuracy.
We use fact-checkers both online and within the editorial team in certain circumstances if need be. We are committed to non-partisanship, transparency of sources, transparency of funding, and being open to reasonable criticism and corrections in our organization. We check the information with all related parties before publishing it online.
If we receive a claim regarding fact-checking on our website, we first contact the source of the claim for further elaboration and supporting information. We also contact individuals and organizations who would have more information about or have relevant experience on the subject at hand, as well as researching relevant literature (news articles, scientific and medical journal articles, books, interview transcripts, statistical sources) that has bearing on the topic.
We prefer to use unbiased information and data sources viewed by our equals, as much as possible. We also alert our readers that information and data from sources, such as political advocacy organizations and sided parties, should be evaluated considerately.
Depending upon the nature and complexity of the topic, other members of the editorial staff may contribute additional research and changes to the writers’ work, and the final product will pass through the hands of our editors. Any piece that is not deemed up to our standards by one or more editors is subject to further revision and review before being released for publication.
We Take Fact-Checking, Clarity & Credibility Seriously
Reporters must be precise with their words, headlines, and URLs. They must understand that words have power and act responsibly. In doing so, reporters must verify the information they gather. This includes identifying information such as names and positions, but also includes factual statements and accounts. Reporters conduct their own fact-checking using their own judgment guided by the ethics policy. Thebengalstory.com will use fact-checkers in certain circumstances it deems warranted.