Rajasthan passes anti-CAA resolution after Kerala & Punjab

Rajasthan on Saturday passed a resolution against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in the Assembly, becoming the third state after Kerala and Punjab to do so. West Bengal is expected to pass an anti-CAA resolution at a special session of the Assembly on January 27.

Rajasthan deputy chief minister Sachin Pilot had on Thursday said that the state Assembly would bring an anti-CAA resolution on Saturday. He had also urged the Centre to rethink the Act and said that the Centre is branding the protesters as anti-nationals and inflicting attack on them. Chief minister Ashok Gehlot has demanded repealing of the Act. He had also accused the Centre of spreading unrest across the country and disrupting communal harmony “to divert people’s attention from unemployment, economy slump among others”.

Gehlot had also accused the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister of spreading confusion among people by making contradictory claims on the implementation of nationwide National Register of Citizens (NRC) and the CAA.

The NRC which plans to list out the valid citizens of India has been hailed as discriminatory along the same lines as CAA. While the PM had said that his government did not discuss any plans of nationwide NRC, the Home Minister has been making claims time and again that NRC will surely be implemented no matter who opposes it.
Earlier this week, the Supreme Court heard 144 petitions for stay on CAA, and gave the Centre four weeks to reply.

The CAA which seeks to grant citizenship to non-Muslim refugees from neighbouring Muslim majority nations of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh has been criticised as discriminatory and protests have erupted across the country.

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