West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee took to Twitter on Wednesday to announce that Calcutta Medical College and Hospital has been made a tertiary hospital for treating Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the state. The hospital will start running as a COVID hospital from Thursday with 500 beds which may be increased further. The hospital will also provide treatment for Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI).
Banerjee wrote, “Keeping in view the increasing need of ramping up specialised COVID treatment in the state, we have decided to notify Medical College, Kolkata as a full-fledged tertiary level COVID Hospital, which will start functioning from 7th May 2020 onwards.”
“The facility at Medical College, Kolkata will start with 500 beds (for both COVID and SARI) which would be scaled up as per need, in phases. This will be the 68th dedicated COVID hospital of West Bengal,” Banerjee added.
Currently, Bengal has 67 dedicated hospitals for treating COVID-19 patients. Out of them, 15 are state-run hospitals and 52 are privately run.
There are 8,036 beds, 860 intensive care unit (ICU) beds and 271 ventilators in total across these hospitals. So far, 13.04 per cent of total beds have been occupied by COVID-19 patients.
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