Actor-director Kaushik Sen receives death threat from Bengaluru number for being a signatory in letter to the PM on lynching

Kaushik Sen, noted theatre and film actor-director based in Kolkata, who is a signatory in the letter written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking action on lynching and use of the slogan “Jai Shree Ram” as a “war cry”, has received a death threat.

Sen received the call on Wednesday afternoon when he was busy in rehearsals. It was from an unknown number and the caller asked Sen why he had signed the letter. The caller also asked him why he and others like him who had written the letter did not react when something was done by the Muslims. It was also alleged that the signatories had taken up the initiative on financial backing of the Trinamool Congress. Sen was also threatened with murder.

Sen has informed the matter to a senior officer of Kolkata Police, it is learnt. While he was asked to lodge a written complaint, the police authorities did not wait for investigation to start on the basis of the written formality. Investigation was started on the basis of his verbal complaint that led police to file a general diary at Hare Street police station.

It was learnt by the police authorities that the call had come from a Bengaluru number. Sources said that the SIM number is from Bengaluru, but that does not mean that the call was necessarily made from the city. Further investigation is on.

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