Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the nation at 10 a.m. on Tuesday as the ongoing country-wide lockdown comes to an end. The lockdown which was imposed on March 24 midnight to contain Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) was scheduled to last for 21 days.
At a meeting with chief ministers of at least 13 states on Saturday, the PM had spoken about a possible extension of the lockdown for two more weeks. However, he had also indicated that government will take some measures to restart certain areas which have been hit severely due to lockdown. Chief ministers of several states had requested him to extend the lockdown. Some chief ministers after the meeting, have said that the PM spoke about extending the lockdown.
The PM had addressed the nation thrice earlier under the backdrop of Coronavirus – once appealing to people to clap on their balconies in appreciation of medical practitioners and workers of essential services, another time to switch off lights inside people’s homes and light candles or mobile phones. In the third address, he announced a 21-day lockdown.
The lockdown has impacted the country’s economy as big and small businesses have been forced to shut down. Poor people who are daily wage earners including the migrant workers have been affected the worst.
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