West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday asked her party workers who have left the organisation for other political parties, to join back. She was speaking at a party workers’ convention at Krishnagar in Nadia district.
Support for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been growing in the recent past, especially after the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, and many Trinamool workers had migrated to the BJP at various levels of the organisation. Banerjee asked the workers at the meeting to reconcile the differences among themselves and bring back the party workers who have left the party over various issues.
She asked her party workers to strengthen the organisation at both booth and block-level from the convention in Krishnagar. She reiterated that the party is not driven by personal interests but by collective leadership. Banerjee said that any political party is “public property”, not “individual property”.
During her speech addressed to Trinamool Congress workers, Banerjee laid stress on the people-oriented outlook of her party. Ahead of the municipal elections, the party chief was focused on strengthening the organisation from the grassroots level.
She said that complaints received against some party leaders at the grassroots level too would be properly investigated and action taken. However, she assured that it was important to cross-check every complaint received and said that they need not worry about fake complaints lodged by the opposition political parties.
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