COVID-19 in Bengal: 5 deaths, 69 active cases, 7 hotspots identified

West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday said that the number of deaths from Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Bengal is five. The increase in number is due to the fact that two patients whose reports for COVID-19 had come after their death had been added to the list by an expert committee formed by the state. But since they had some co-morbidities, there were confusions regarding the actual cause of their death earlier. The two deaths are now being officially added to the list of the deceased.

The number of active COVID-19 cases in the state in 69 at present, she said.

Seven COVID-19 hotspots have been identified in the state so far, Banerjee added.

Banerjee said that the agricultural products including flowers will be allowed to be sold in markets in cities from Wednesday amidst the lockdown to ensure that such products do not perish. The kishan mandis and kishan bazars will remain open.

Banerjee asked bidi workers in Bengal to make bidis from their homes which will be collected by agents to be sold in the markets. But she alerted them that not more than seven workers should gather at a place for doing the work and to keep safe distance from each other.

The CM alleged that workers of some political parties were procuring rice from ration shops for distribution among people. She warned them saying that if they wanted to help people, they should buy the food with their own funds and not by procuring food from ration shops.

Mamata Banerjee also cautioned ration shop dealers asking them to provide the right quantity and quality of food to people. She said that those who reach the state after the lockdown is over, will be kept in quarantine for an appropriate period of time to eliminate any chances of infection from them. The state will formulate policies regarding this, she said.

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